Old mattresses, boxes, bags of dried leaves and assorted rubbish are discarded by the roadside or at the playground, marring the image of the neighbourhood; ( something we see at our area often ) Yeoh said the practice was unacceptable among urban, well-informed residents of Subang Jaya.
“The residents should pack bulk items and garden waste properly, and leave the bags outside their house and not anywhere else,” she said.
According to Yeoh, Alam Flora would collect five bags full of bulky and domestic waste from each household, and residents would be charged a fee for throwing more.
“But that does not mean that the residents should throw their rubbish elsewhere to avoid paying,” she added.
Alam Flora has put up notice boards and sent out flyers to residents recently to inform them on the garbage collection days. For e.g. in USJ, domestic waste is collected three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, while the bulky and garden waste are collected twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday.
“I hope the people will be more systematic in disposing of their unwanted items,” Yeoh said.
Let's make sure that we ( residents of 3 Greens USJ ) live up to our namesake and not fall into the category of litterbugs as mentioned by Hannah.
The public can contact Alam Flora on the toll-free line 1800-880-880, or email feedback@alamflora.com.my, or SMS ALAM message to 33310.
Article derived from the Star ( August 28, 2009 )
1 comment:
I totally agree we see such rubbish left along the roads in our neighbourhood. It appears to some once the rubbish is out of their gates it is no more they responsibility. Another group of residents love to bring their dogs to their neighbours' ground or any place around the neighbourhood to do its' "business" and they do not bother to pick up the poo and dispose it in a proper manner. Don't blame the dog blame it on the "master" or "madam". Cat owners are equally to be blamed. Their cats love to do it "business" in other people's compound. At least the cat has the common sense to do it not in it's own house but it's neighbour's compound.
Let's educate all animal lovers to be responsible to clear their pets' droppings since they are the ones who are feeding them.
Let's make USJ 3/1 a "SHIT FREE" neighbourhood.
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