The Pro-tem committee would first like to extend a big THANK YOU to our neighbours who came out for the residents’ briefing held last Sunday at our USJ3/1 Padang.

Here are the highlights of what transpired during the briefing:-
The registration of our official RA ( Residents’ Association ) is in the process, with most of the key positions, as well as the required number of Committee Members in place. However, we have come to understand that the Registrar of Societies only meets to table new resolutions on a prefixed schedule, which meant that it would possibly be somewhere between 3 – 6 months, before we can get an approval from them. This poses considerable delay in our plans to implement our GnG scheme i.e. we had no official body which payment could be made out to, and without the funds, we could not proceed further.

In the past weeks following our initial GnG Awareness Forum, the committee members has received numerous comments/ complaints from our residents as to why they have yet to see further progression on our part; especially with the Raya Holidays just around the corner which possibly meant potentially high rate of house break-ins as residents tend to travel outstation during this period.
In response to this urgency, the Pro-tem Committee sort to seek advice and guidance from several already successfully established RA around Subang Jaya for alternative ideas.

In a series of brain wreaking sessions, the Pro-tem Committee came out with the interim plan of resorting to gather resident’s opinion as to whether or not, they would agree with payment to a trustee ( respective street representative ), and through that trustee, the hiring of the security guards to patrol our neighborhood. This plan will only be on a provisional basis until such time, the registration of our RA is approved by the ROS. It however would allow us to implement the Guarded scheme in a shorter period of time, hopefully before the Raya Holidays.
The response to the concept was overwhelming, as residents came forth to sign the new consent form.
For those of you who could not join us yesterday at the Padang, be rest assured you will find your friendly neighborhood street rep knocking at your front door within the following week. Note however, we would require the somewhat similar majority ( above 300 household ) to agree with the payment to accumulate enough funds for us to proceed with the scheme; thus your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
As an initial start, the stipulated sum required would be a one time payment of RM100.00 for infrastructure cost and a 3 months’ subscription of RM60 each, totaling a sum of RM280.00;

The Pro-tem committee will also be meeting up with shortlisted Security Companies who have submitted their tenders earlier to review their respective services in light of our requirement; visit their office premises as well as neighborhoods where their services are in place. The company will also be required to be vetted by our local Police Authorities, before their appointment with us on a probationary period, further subject to their performance.
In light of our development, we invite further constructive feedback/ ideas from all residents to better improve on our GnG design to date via website comments or direct email to the pro-tem committee.
Thank you
Andy Lam ( )
3 Green Pro-tem Commitee Chairman
Here are the highlights of what transpired during the briefing:-
The registration of our official RA ( Residents’ Association ) is in the process, with most of the key positions, as well as the required number of Committee Members in place. However, we have come to understand that the Registrar of Societies only meets to table new resolutions on a prefixed schedule, which meant that it would possibly be somewhere between 3 – 6 months, before we can get an approval from them. This poses considerable delay in our plans to implement our GnG scheme i.e. we had no official body which payment could be made out to, and without the funds, we could not proceed further.
In the past weeks following our initial GnG Awareness Forum, the committee members has received numerous comments/ complaints from our residents as to why they have yet to see further progression on our part; especially with the Raya Holidays just around the corner which possibly meant potentially high rate of house break-ins as residents tend to travel outstation during this period.
In response to this urgency, the Pro-tem Committee sort to seek advice and guidance from several already successfully established RA around Subang Jaya for alternative ideas.
In a series of brain wreaking sessions, the Pro-tem Committee came out with the interim plan of resorting to gather resident’s opinion as to whether or not, they would agree with payment to a trustee ( respective street representative ), and through that trustee, the hiring of the security guards to patrol our neighborhood. This plan will only be on a provisional basis until such time, the registration of our RA is approved by the ROS. It however would allow us to implement the Guarded scheme in a shorter period of time, hopefully before the Raya Holidays.
The response to the concept was overwhelming, as residents came forth to sign the new consent form.
For those of you who could not join us yesterday at the Padang, be rest assured you will find your friendly neighborhood street rep knocking at your front door within the following week. Note however, we would require the somewhat similar majority ( above 300 household ) to agree with the payment to accumulate enough funds for us to proceed with the scheme; thus your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
As an initial start, the stipulated sum required would be a one time payment of RM100.00 for infrastructure cost and a 3 months’ subscription of RM60 each, totaling a sum of RM280.00;
The Pro-tem committee will also be meeting up with shortlisted Security Companies who have submitted their tenders earlier to review their respective services in light of our requirement; visit their office premises as well as neighborhoods where their services are in place. The company will also be required to be vetted by our local Police Authorities, before their appointment with us on a probationary period, further subject to their performance.
In light of our development, we invite further constructive feedback/ ideas from all residents to better improve on our GnG design to date via website comments or direct email to the pro-tem committee.
Thank you
Andy Lam ( )
3 Green Pro-tem Commitee Chairman
Since the committee's initiative on GnG, I've had the pleasure of meeting with so many neighbours on my street and next; Thank you so much for this
I agree. Good job, everyone
I fully support the proposal of having a gated community in our neighborhood. Our family's welfare and security which is now under threat, is DEFINITELY worth more than RM60.00 per month.
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