Saturday, August 29, 2009
Message from our Chairman
The Pro-tem Committee Members and Street Representatives met up Thursday night (Aug 27, 2009) to tabulate the responses and monies collected in the past week and we are happy to say that results have been very good, with several residents even opting to pay up to 6 months in advance. This reinforces the committee’s confidence that our residents are truly committed to see our Gated and Guarded initiatives up and running as soon as possible.
However, feedback from our Street Reps was that they were unable to get in touch with a minor percentage of neighbors on each of their respective streets mainly because of daily evening wet weather deterrence and school holiday vacationers. There are also those who opt to pay at the end of the month; which inevitably lead to the delay of our round-the-clock security patrol services, initially scheduled to commence September 1, 2009
In light of these circumstances, the pro-tem committee has decided to extend the approval/ fund collection campaign for another week, allowing us to acquire the remaining approval/ payment from our absent residents;
We would like to extend our thanks to all our residents who have already made their payments and hope that the remaining few that has not would immediately follow likewise so that we can have the security up and running within a fortnight. We also ask committed residents to help contact your absent neighbors to the urgency of their approval and payment.
Thanks again for your resounding support! Please feel free to contact your 3 Greens pro-tem Committee Members / Street Representatives should you have any queries.
Andy Lam
Pro-tem Committee Chairman
Comment Moderation
We have decided to moderate the comments posted here after getting some comments which are overly strong worded as well as of those which are not constructive in our neighborhoods’ attempts to make our GnG initiative a reality.
As the purpose of http://usj3greens.blogspot.com/ blogsite serves mainly as a communication tool for our residents at USJ3/1 and 3/2, we would like to invite you to post your constructive comments and to kindly leave your name/ street so that we know who you are and that you actually live in our area. We reserve the right to approval/ reject/ moderate comments posted as anonymous.
If you do not wish to reveal who you are, then there is no reason for us to have any discussions at all as it has to be a two way interaction between the parties concerned. If you feel strongly about the issues at hand, please come forward as we would like you to contribute alongside us in the committee.
For those who have doubts about the work done by the 3 Greens USJ pro-tem committee, feel free to get in touch with us and we will address it with you personally on the issues that you may have.
Thank you for your understanding.
3 Greens USJ Pro-tem Committee
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ugly trend among USJ folk

“I hope the people will be more systematic in disposing of their unwanted items,” Yeoh said.
Let's make sure that we ( residents of 3 Greens USJ ) live up to our namesake and not fall into the category of litterbugs as mentioned by Hannah.
The public can contact Alam Flora on the toll-free line 1800-880-880, or email feedback@alamflora.com.my, or SMS ALAM message to 33310.
Article derived from the Star ( August 28, 2009 )
Monday, August 24, 2009
Car theft at USJ3/1E
Fortunately, the owner who is a Police OCPD, managed to recover his car within three days of the theft.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Selamat Menyambut Puasa Ramadhan
From 3 Greens Protem Committee/ Street Representatives
Caution to all ladies driving alone
I was trailed from SS18 (along the main road) until USJ11 (7-Eleven) by a Chinese man in his early 30's, I think, riding on a motorcycle bearing Reg.No. WQN 6810 (the normal motorcycle with the basket). Please be alert, this man is a stalker/pervert who flashes his genitals as he rides up to your side. If you encounter this person, by all means do not panic and do not drive to your intended destination but drive to the nearest crowded street you can find. I have had a two experiences with exhibitionists some years back and was lucky I managed to remain calm to react sensibly to this situation.
I didn't want to drive straight home as he was still following me as I was approaching the USJ4 traffic lights and stopping there would be a perfect spot for him to annoy me. I turned onto the road leading to MPSJ and drove to 7-Eleven in USJ11/3 where there was the usual hive of morning activities. I parked my car just outside Country Barn and he rode past me. I wanted to confirm that it was not my imagination and that he was indeed following me. True enough, he sat on his bike with arms folded and waited at the other end of the road where Kai Xin restaurant is. My house is just round the corner after the field, but knowing he is still trailing me, I pulled my car into a vacant lot outside 7-Eleven and could see him still observing my movement.
I called up the Ban-Chan-Kueh man across the drain with an order for 2 pieces of the cake hoping he'd respond quickly cos I did not have my handphone with me and hoped he could help make a call to Police. However, two ladies came up to the stall and Mr Ban Chan Kueh had to attend to them and while that was happening Mr Stalker apparently got impatient and rode up the rear of my car, stopped his bike and I was not sure what he was about to do when Mr Ban-Chan-Kueh hopped across the drain towards me and Mr Stalker zoomed off.
I related to him the incident and thanked his timely delivery of my order and told him to watch out for the bike with the registration number. I waited in my car for another 5 minutes before driving home, still looking out to make sure he wasn't following me.
I called up the USJ8 police and informed them the registration number for their patrols to keep a look out for this guy.
Regards to all and be safe. God Bless.
Madam Lim
Summary of Quotes ( Updated Aug 19, 2009 )
Friday, August 21, 2009
Message from our Chairman
It is envisaged that the job of a street representative is not without obstacles as many may treat him/her as a “debt-collector”. In fact, we all should give due respect to them for their commitment and perseverance in carrying out this difficult and time consuming job. It is advisable for all of us to provide them the cooperation much needed as these street representatives are merely volunteers with no salary being paid.
As an initial start, the stipulated sum required would be a one time payment of RM100.00 for infrastructure cost and a 3 months’ subscription of RM60 each, totaling a sum of RM280.00; payable via cheque to the trustee :
Lam Peng Kee & Lim Chooi Cheng
Please note that without sufficient funds, we will not be able to proceed with the appointment of the security guards and the cheques collected will be returned to the residents. Therefore, we need your help to convince your neighbors to contribute in order to make it a safer place for ALL.
Thank you
Andy Lam
Protem Committee Chairman
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thank you from the pro-tem committee
In light of this small success, the committee will continue with this fundraiser on a monthly basis, and hope to get more support from our neighbours the next time around.
The collection point will be held at the wooden gazebo on 2nd Sunday of every month between the hours of 9:00am till 4:00pm.
3 Greens Pro-tem Committee
Crime Happenings in USJ - SJAlert
my neighbour's home at USJ4/1 area was broken into this afternoon ( Aug 16 ) between 1 something to 2 something pm, just before the rainstorm.they left home around 1 something, realised that the mobile phone was left at home. when they went home to get the phone, the home was already broken into.the burglars came in through the front door, cut the padlocks and even managed to open the wooden door with the double lock. the whole house was ransacked and the burglars even took their cars' spare keys.when the police came, they told my neighbour that they suspect that it's the same group that drives a silver toyota vios with 3 chinese guys.
2. Bogus Meter Reader
Last Saturday around 12+ pm, my mother in law was alone at home, and there are 2 Malays guy with blue shirt knock our gate very loudly and told my in law that he needs to come in to our car porch to check on the meter reading. My in law did not think further and just open the auto gate to allow him to enter to our car porch area. However, she did not open the main door inside. The moment that guy walk in to our car porch, he told my in law that he needs to check the gas and pursue my in law to open the door to let him enter into our house. Luckily my in law did not open the main door and just ignore them. We have always remind her not to open the auto gate to anybody. Hope this message can pass on to others to remind those old folks at home not to open gate to allow stranger to come into our house area.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Why 3 Greens?
Here are some tips on the how:-
Say No to Bottled water
Bottled water takes money from your pocket and adds an even greater amount of waste to landfills. Purchase a reusable water bottle to use at work or when traveling so you don't have to buy bottled water.
Carpeting from natural fibers
Choose carpeting, rugs, window treatments and other textiles made from natural fibers, such as cotton or wool, which are untreated and free of toxins, such as pesticides or chemical cleaners.
Develop water saving habits
Water should be used properly.Don't leave the tap open while shaving, brushing your teeth etc.By doing so you save energy in a way.
Dinner together
have food - breakfast ,lunch , dinner together all at the same time to reduce reheating / cooking time , saves fuel and u also invest in sharing family quality time together, and remember to switch off the TV!
Conserve electricity
The amount of electricity we waste yearly is equivalent to the amount that would be required to establish a new planet Earth. Please do not waste energy, conserve it.
Reuse water
Water your plants with the water used for washing vegetables.this could save water and provide nutrients enriched water to the plants
Energy Saving: Common Area Lighting
Solar Ligting is a useful source of resuseable energy which used properly for common are alighting will save a lot of Energy(Power). Automating the Lighting system will further saves More Energy enabling us to contribute to resolve ISSUE OF GLOBAL WARMING.
Put your seatbelt on before starting engine
On average we waste fuel by starting the engine and then putting on a seat belt.
Don’t charge electricals off car battery
It might be convenient, but charging your iPod / mobile / laptop / whatever off the car battery greatly increases fuel consumption.
Clean Your Fridge
Refrigerators use a tremendous amount of energy every year. To cut down on waste, clean the condenser coils every year. Also, do not keep the temperature unnecessarily low.
Eat Organic Food
If you have a chance to eat organic food, do so because it will prevent food producers from using pesticides and other dangerous chemicals.
Donate Goods
If you no longer need something that might be useful to someone else, try to donate the goods rather than throwing them away.
Carry your own shopping bag
Instead of accepting polyethene bags to hold the stuff you buy routinely from shops carry your own shopping bag. Your shopping bag can preferrably be recyclable (cloth or paper based).
and the list goes on and on....
Please feel free to share more ideas on how we as a community can practise to be worthy of the name 3 Greens Residents' Association...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Recycling old newspapers

We hope for your support to bring out your old newspapers to the wooden gazebo at USJ3/1 padang on Sunday ( Aug 16, 2009 ) between the hours of 9:00am till 4:00pm; where our committee member will be present to recieve them.
All proceeds will be directed towards our GnG initiative.
3 Green Pro-tem Committee
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
USJ 3/1 Padang - accidents waiting to happen
A closer inspection reveals a sad unleveled wooden gazebo with protruding rusted nails, its missing rail and pieces of shards lying around it. The plastic and fiberglass play structure in the centre of the Padang had its railings come off its groove and several other broken play equipment undoubtedly makes our playground unsafe and “accidents waiting to happen ".
“I am worried to let my children play here because the paint is peeling off and exposing rough rusty surfaces. Several of the play equipment is also broken and sharp edges could easily cause injuries.” proclaim a resident, whose children frequent the playground every evening.
Longtime residents claimed that they'd never seen the council check on the playground equipment and hope that MPSJ will look into the problem and repairs or better still upgrade its facilities; and hopes that they would develop a stronger maintenance culture on the way it upkeep’s the amenities for us taxpayers.
Whilst MPSJ signboards situated around the Padang carries the disclaimer against accidents/ injuries sustained by visitors to the park, we really need to ask ourselves if we are really going to sit by until our children or someone else's child get hurt or worse while playing in this unsafe environment.
The 3 Greens Pro-tem Committee will be looking to bring this to the attention of MPSJ in hopes they’d address the issue ASAP and it wouldn't hurt for you, our neighbors to also pick-up the phone and call the number on the MPSJ signboard ( 03 80263131 MPSJ Unit Aduan ) to hasten the process.
3 Green Pro-tem Committee
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Briefing updates at the USJ 3/1 Padang
Here are the highlights of what transpired during the briefing:-
The registration of our official RA ( Residents’ Association ) is in the process, with most of the key positions, as well as the required number of Committee Members in place. However, we have come to understand that the Registrar of Societies only meets to table new resolutions on a prefixed schedule, which meant that it would possibly be somewhere between 3 – 6 months, before we can get an approval from them. This poses considerable delay in our plans to implement our GnG scheme i.e. we had no official body which payment could be made out to, and without the funds, we could not proceed further.
In the past weeks following our initial GnG Awareness Forum, the committee members has received numerous comments/ complaints from our residents as to why they have yet to see further progression on our part; especially with the Raya Holidays just around the corner which possibly meant potentially high rate of house break-ins as residents tend to travel outstation during this period.
In response to this urgency, the Pro-tem Committee sort to seek advice and guidance from several already successfully established RA around Subang Jaya for alternative ideas.
In a series of brain wreaking sessions, the Pro-tem Committee came out with the interim plan of resorting to gather resident’s opinion as to whether or not, they would agree with payment to a trustee ( respective street representative ), and through that trustee, the hiring of the security guards to patrol our neighborhood. This plan will only be on a provisional basis until such time, the registration of our RA is approved by the ROS. It however would allow us to implement the Guarded scheme in a shorter period of time, hopefully before the Raya Holidays.
The response to the concept was overwhelming, as residents came forth to sign the new consent form.
For those of you who could not join us yesterday at the Padang, be rest assured you will find your friendly neighborhood street rep knocking at your front door within the following week. Note however, we would require the somewhat similar majority ( above 300 household ) to agree with the payment to accumulate enough funds for us to proceed with the scheme; thus your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
As an initial start, the stipulated sum required would be a one time payment of RM100.00 for infrastructure cost and a 3 months’ subscription of RM60 each, totaling a sum of RM280.00;
The Pro-tem committee will also be meeting up with shortlisted Security Companies who have submitted their tenders earlier to review their respective services in light of our requirement; visit their office premises as well as neighborhoods where their services are in place. The company will also be required to be vetted by our local Police Authorities, before their appointment with us on a probationary period, further subject to their performance.
In light of our development, we invite further constructive feedback/ ideas from all residents to better improve on our GnG design to date via website comments or direct email to the pro-tem committee.
Thank you
Andy Lam ( andylam.wsb@gmail.com )
3 Green Pro-tem Commitee Chairman
Attacked by Parang wielding burglars
Fortunately, he managed to trigger his panic alarm and they bolted. Again, these guys came in a black Honda Accord! Unfortunately he didn't get their plate no. I helped to call C/I Loi and told him about this.
Andy Lam ( andylam.wsb@gmail.com )
3 Green Pro-tem Commitee Chairman
Monday, August 10, 2009
Balai Polis USJ - Problem with Phone System
It seems that when you dial the Balai's Contact Numbers the 1st time, you will hear a ringing tone, but the the call is not actually transferred to the Operator. You need to call a 2nd time for the call to be put through. The problem has been found to be link to the Telephone System and C/I Loi has instructed the vendor to change the whole system as soon as possible.
In the meantime, please remember to dial twice in order to get connected. In case of emergencies, please call C/I Loi on his mobile 012 4118843.
Chief Inspector Loi would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
from SJ Alert
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A( H1N1 ) Precautionary Measure
Here are some tips on General A ( H1N1 ) Precautionary Measures :-

Friday, August 7, 2009
Mesra Rakyat Programme - public attendance discouraged

THREE Subang Jaya Municipal Council staff have been tested positive for A(H1N1), making it the first local authority in Selangor to be infected with the virus.
Selangor Health, Plantation Workers, Poverty and Caring Government exco Dr Xavier Jayakumar said all 47 remaining staff in MPSJ's legal department would be instructed to head home for self-quarantine with their families.
The local council premises will not however be shut down.
However, Xavier has advised all local councils in the State to postpone or reduce the number of activities which involved huge crowds until the situation was under control.
MPSJ president Dato' Adnan Md Ikshan said the council would remain open for the Mesra Rakyat programme tomorrow (August 7) although he advised the public to postpone their visit if the matter was not urgent.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Message from our Chairman
since our successful G&G Awareness Campaign meeting at the padang with our residents together with our VIPs, the protem committee have had a couple of meetings, especially on the official registration of our Resident Association ( Persatuan Penduduk Three Greens USJ, Subang Jaya ) as advised strongly by Subang Jaya Municipal Council secretary Slamat Hamzah during his speech.
After a couple of tedious weeks of study, we are happy to announce that we are finally ready with the constitution documentation required and is ready to submit the application to ROS (Register of Society) without which we will be not able to proceed with all our other plans such as collecting money from residents to fund the rest of our other activities eg engaging security guards, installing boom gates, guard house and the perimeter fencing etc...
The committee will come out with a proposal to start collecting money once papers are presented to ROS; and while awaiting their approval, we are collecting tenders for suppliers of our security services as well as study into the possibility of setting up a voluntary neighborhood patrol.
Please bear with us and be assured that we are just as eager to get the whole GnG project up and going as soon as possible.
Reminder - Committee will be holding a short briefing on our progress at 5pm this Sunday ( Aug 9th, 2009 ) at USJ 3/1 Padang.
Andy Lam ( andylam.wsb@gmail.com )
3 Green Pro-tem Commitee Chairman
Skeptics convinced after G&G reduces crime rate

These schemes were usually put into place when many of the residents fell victim to rampant crime cases and USJ 5, 3A-D, 11/4 were no exception. Today, these neighbourhood are fenced up with an impressive guard house facing the main road.
Those who were unwilling to subscribe to the service might be seen as freeloaders but as neighbourhood watch chairman Jason Lee observed, some of them decided to join after seeing how effective the security system was.
The USJ 3B resident added that his neighbourhood has zero-crime now and the residents are satisfied with the results.
Recently, areas such as USJ 11/4 and USJ 3/1 had meetings to kickstart their security schemes.
USJ8 police station officer-in-charge chief inspector Loi Yew Lik, in one such gathering, told the residents that the scheme was effective in curbing crime, although zero-crime is not guaranteed.
Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh stressed that gated and guarded scheme should only be an interim measure while waiting for the Home Affairs Ministry to increase the police force to safeguard the nation. She is also calling for a review on the guidelines drawn up by the Selangor Housing and Property Board as some are not relevant in today’s situation.

“For instance, the current guidelines allow the residents to put down the boom gate from midnight to 6am only, but most crime cases happen during the day. Yeoh said she had raised this in the recently concluded Selangor state assembly but the feedback was that the current guidelines were sufficient.
“However, Selangor housing, building and squatters committee chairman Iskandar Abdul Samad promised to call for meetings with the residents to get their feedback,” she said.
Jason said the government should frame a policy soon to legalise and formalise the gated and guarded scheme. “We are doing the government a favour actually by cutting down the crime rate. If they forbid us to implement such schemes, they must improve the security of the nation,”
Melvin, on the other hand, advised residents’ associations that intended to implement the schemes to do a lot of homework before enlisting the help of the security company. “Visit other areas where they had set up the scheme to gauge their services. Then, constantly monitor their performances and communicate with them.
Be prepared to change them if their services are not up to par — we have changed our security company once when they slackened and did not respond to our warning and most importantly, never to overpromise the residents. If not, they will feel dejected and eventually drop out from the scheme,” he added.

extract ( edited ) from the Star ( Aug 4, 2009 )
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Attempted Break-in at USJ 12/1 ( July 28, 2009 )
The break-it happened on 28 July, 2009 tuesday around 11:15am. As we came home, we saw the CRV parked outside our neighbour's house with window winded down and the driver inside pretending to look at the opposite house for rent. The car's engine was running and it parked right in front of our neighbour's gate to block the view of the House's front door, so any passerby will not be able to see what's going on at the car porch. As we enter our carporch we saw another 3 men suddenly appeared with canvas tool bag that used by locksmith or plumber, walked towards the gate quickly. We asked who were they looking for, but they pretended not hearing and jumped into their CRV and zoomed away.
The neighbour came back immediately after receiving our call, and discovered his main door's grille with 3 locks was almost opened and the bottom part of the the grille is giving away. The police came and told us the thefts are pro and know how to open locks. Beside using their car they also used the neighbour's laundry rack to block view of the front door while they were working on the grille.
Before the policemen finish taking pictures, he received another break-in call from USJ 13 that he has to rush to.
Message from Resident of USJ12/1 ( USJ Subang Jaya e-Community )
Saturday, August 1, 2009
88% Consensus Achieved ( Fences to go up )

Huge turnout to show support for the gating up of USJ3/1 and its surroundings.
Erecting fences around residential areas and employing security guards to keep crime down will be allowed if the majority of residents in the area want it, says Subang Jaya Municipal Council secretary Slamat Hamzah.
“This is on condition that the application to do so is done by a registered association and 85% of residents in the area are agreeable to the plan,” he said to a crowd of more than 400 residents from USJ3/1 to USJ3/1H.
Slamat said residents should also considering erecting boom gates instead of totally blocking roads to their area.“Residents should also be active and vigilant in keeping their neighbourhood safe.”“Participate in your neighbourhood activities and support what your committee is doing,” he said.

Slamat making a point during his speech which left the crowd, even VIPs smiling in agreement.
USJ3/1 protem committee member Andy Lam who has been actively advocating the gating up of the area with his committee members said the area which has 387 houses will be gated up as soon as the group garners more than 85% support.“As soon as we get 85% of residents supporting our proposal to gate up and engage guards, we will get the green light from MPSJ to do so.”
“Guards will be employed to watch over our area round-the-clock. Attention will also be given to the pedestrian bridge which links USJ3 and SS19,” he said.
At the end of the dialogue session, the group had already touched 83% to go ahead.Also present at the dialogue were ADUN Subang Jaya Hannah Yeoh and USJ8 police station head Chief Inspector Loi Yew Lik.
Many M'sian turn to private security to keep homes safe
The irresistible conclusion is that Malaysians do not feel safe at home as the view shared by 97 per cent of respondents to a poll on the Home Ministry website.
The government has now changed tack, especially as crime figures are going up: from 150,000 cases reported each year from 2000 to 2004, to 211,000 last year. About 90 per cent of these are property crimes, and 10 per cent violent crimes.
Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang and Johor are especially hard-hit. These densely populated centres are also particularly vulnerable to street crimes such as snatch thefts and muggings, accounting for just over 70 per cent of the national total.
PM Najib pledged to cut down the incidence of street crime by 20 per cent by next year. To do so, the government plans to have another 60,000 policemen on the streets over the next few years, and has also started co-opting the volunteer police corps, Rela, to beef up the numbers.
Many Malaysians blame the influx of migrant labour for the rise in lawlessness but police statistics show that only 1 to 3 per cent of crimes are committed by foreigners.
Read the full story in Malaysian Insider ( Sat Aug 1, 2009 )