Over the Raya break, several of the committee members took the opportunity to polish up our painting skills.

Our canvas, the drums you now see located at the Jalan USJ 3/1 A. The hard work was made lighter as some neighbours came out to lend a helping hand.

This bright young man stop by to give us a hand
We all went home dirty, but happy knowing that the drum barriers are now up and children can play a little safer around the USJ 3/1 Padang.
I was not happy as I felt the drums at 3/1A a hindrance but after reading this article, and being a parent as well, I do see the logic behind this move.
Dear Committee Members,
My neighbours and I are paying members. In future, give some notice and reason for any security action you want to implement.
we too were not happy with the drum barrier but cool off after reading this. I do agree that children's safety is important.
Dear Neighbours, the drum barriers at USJ 3/1A was included in the original Security Layout ( see earlier post )
The reason why it was just recently put up was because we had to paint it to make it visible to drivers.
Your comments are duly noted and we thank you for your understanding.
Hi, I am from USJ4. Congratulations on setting up your GnG. I met up with some of your committee people ( Daren, Yap ,Batu ) last Saturday to ask about how we too could do the similar thing with our area and they were most helpful.
Are you sure the guards are effective. Saw a suspicious Green Hyundai at around 2am Monday morning rounding my road at 3/2
Oops, you caught us.
A couple of the Commitee Members had decided to do security walk-abouts in the wee hours of the morning the last 3 days.
I think who you saw was actually myself and Darren doing Raya holiday patrol in his car. We were also checking to make sure our Guards were performing their duty diligently.
Forgot to close my gate last night. at abt 1:30am this morning, 3 guys alerted me to it. They were walking in the rain.
were they committee members as well?
Ooops again! Guilty as charged.
I have been following this thread and laughing.
I have to say that what the Committee Members are doing is really admirable. Doing security patrol in the rain at 1 am and being mistaken as robbers.
Where do I sign up?
I was hit by the side mirror of a speeding car while walking with my children around the padang area a while back. The driver just sped off without slowing down.
I for one can appreciate barrier. Yes, it may be a little inconvenient for us but I sincerely think, the safety of our children is worth it.
Children's safety vs Convenient Road Access? No complaints here.
To Andy and the many inspiring committee members and supporters, a very big THANK YOU! I am sure we can effectively reduce the crime rate within our neighborhood by a large percentage. Also, I know the guards are also taking a lot of heat from unhappy residents and visitors, so next time we drive through, how about a big smile and a THANK YOU to them too?
i will hv no problems with the guards, eventhough i hv yet to be a paying resident, the guard is just trying to do a job. i do wave n acknowledge them, if anything that the unpaying resident r not happy about , it all comes down to them feeling that they r being marginalized
I am a resident of 3/2B and did register for the G&G but alas it never did materialise in our area. Can I suggest that we print leaflets of the main contacts of 3/2 and give to to the guards to be handed over to all residents of 3/2 area when they are passing thru' the post? This will provide greater exposure to all which are ignorant of this website...
hi andy and team,
once again, thank you for doing a great job. however,
i am puzzled over the security at the corner of 3/2 and 3/1h. shouldn't the security be after the corner of 3/2 and 3/1h, and not before? as it is, cars coming into 3/1h from the other end need not stop for security and hence these cars have access to 3/1h which means all the other perpendicular roads as well. hmmm..i thought the barricade should be after the corner, if you know what i mean.
i am concerned as i am in 3/1g, near the tadika!
drums at 3/1A will couse traffic jam in the morning??
I don't think it 'couse' traffic jams.
In fact, since the barriers are up, the traffic is a lot more orderly as there are no cars dangerously cutting in from 3/1A.
I fully agree with Concerned Naighbour.
The barrier ensures in-coming traffic comes straight through USJ 3/1 instead queueing up to turn left and getting jammed as traffic from the barrier road becomes a 1 way in the morning.
Don't simply say. How does the drum cause traffic jams?
Security is the main thing, guys.
Hi Christine,
We have noted your comment and have shifted the security barrier after the corner of 3/2 and 3/1h
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