It is in good conscience that the
3 Greens pro-tem Committee is leading the GnG Security initiative for the residents of USJ 3/1 and 3/2 by way of the 88% majority consensus received. This is a mammoth responsibility, one which we are taking very seriously in light of the security and safety expectations of all our participating residents.
The vehicle screening taking place at the 3 checkpoints ( Gate A, B and C ) is one of the prerequisite Security Measures implemented to ensure that our neighbourhood is protected against those who may roam our streets with criminal intent. ( Notably, several of our residents had fallen victims to various crimes and robbery involving cars/ trucks )
We hold no prejudice against the minority non-participating residents and only hope that they'd come to realize that they too benefit from the GnG Security initiative made possible by their majority paying neighbours and perhaps join up as well.
If you'd somehow felt offended or inconvenienced by our security measures, please understand that we're merely trying our best in our efforts to ensure the security and safety of our homes and families; and not by any misguided intentions or animosity towards you.
Having studied the traffic flow in and out of each of the entrances, we have come to realize that the ( Gate B ) entrance at Jalan USJ 3/1 H has the highest percentage of traffic; mainly because it serves both our guarded neighborhood as well as that of the residents of USJ 3/2 A - J. In light of this findings, the pro-tem committee has come out with a solution to elevate the traffic flow at Gate B without sacrificing our security initiative.
We will be introducing a different colored car sticker ( pic below ) for the residents of USJ 3/2 ( A - J ) which will allow our Security Guards at Gate B to identify them, hence eliminating the need to screen their vehicles when passing through whilst still being able to recognize them as non 3 Greens' residents. Our Guards at the junction of Jalan USJ 3/2 ( Gate C ) will continue to exercise general vehicle screening.

Residents of USJ 3/2 A - J are invited to get their Complimentary vehicle stickers from Daryl Khoo of 31, USJ 3/2 C ( HP no : 019 3187570 ).
Our 3 Greens pro-tem commitee would like to extend a gracious THANK YOU to all Residents of USJ 3/2 ( A – J ) for your patience and understanding. We look forward to the day, we be joined as one Big, Happy and Safe Family.
Andy Lam
Pro-tem Committee Chairman