Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Congratulations to CI Loi

By the first quarter of 2010, Loi who will be promoted to the rank of ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police), is expected to take on his new posting elsewhere.
3 Greens' pro-tem commitee and all our residents would like to congratulate CI Loi on his promotion and wish him the very best.
CI Loi can be contacted at 012-411 8843.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Our Children's safety - Lightning
In spite of this recent tragedy, it is shocking to see scores of children up and about at our own 3/1 Padang even when it is evident with the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning across the sky. Lightning in open fields kills more people than any other outdoor place.
With the school holidays on, parents should take heed to be attentive and advise their children of the apparent danger of being out in the open during this rainy season.
Here are some things you will want to advise your loved ones, to minimize risks if they're caught in the open during a thunderstorm:
a. Avoid being the tallest object around .. get as low as you can, but don't lie prone on the ground.
b. It also is unwise to be near the tallest object around, like an isolated tree. Sheltering from the rain under a tree is often a factor in people being struck.
c. There is no "warning sign" that will tell you reliably that lightning is about to strike; don't depend on having your hair stand on end, or whatever.
d. The time from the flash to the thunder is a rough measure of how distant the lightning is. If you see a flash and count the seconds, five seconds corresponds to about a mile. However, there is no distance from a thunderstorm that is absolutely safe! If you can see the lightning, then you are under some threat.
e. You do not have to be directly hit by the lightning to be affected. Lightning can travel along the ground from a nearby strike to you. It can also jump from nearby objects that are struck.
f. Avoid being near fence lines and power lines that lead into areas where lightning is occurring. A flash can travel along the wires and jump to you.
Health Walk / Recycling Day ( December 13, 2009 )
Your 3 Greens pro-tem committee is once again organising a Health Walk cum Recycling day, this coming Sunday ( December 13, 2009 )For those of you who miss our first outing, the 3 Greens' Health Walk is simply a 2.5 km brisk walk for the purpose of improving cardiovascular health. To participate, simply turn up at the start ( USJ3/1 Padang ) fifteen minutes before the walk start time for a warm-up session. The walk will take off at 7:00 am sharp.
We also hope once again for your support to bring out
Old newspapers / magazines / cardboards
Aluminium cans / tins / steel containers
Plastic bottles
Used Car batteries / old electical appliances
Other recyclables
to the wooden gazebo at USJ3/1 padang between the hours of 1:00pm till 5:00pm.
Our Pro-tem committee members / street representatives will be present to recieve your recyclables;
Many Thanks
3 Greens Pro-tem Committee
PS: Residents who have yet to make payment towards the next three (3) months security contribution can also do so during the recycle collection period;
Meeting updates at the USJ 3/1 Padang
Here are the highlights of what transpired during the meeting for those who could not attend:-
Recycling Day will be held on even months and 2nd Sunday of the month while the Health-walk will be held on monthly basis on Sunday morning. The dates will be posted on the blog. One further proposal was to organize a get-together for all residents.
Mr Rajiv Rishyakaran, our MPSJ ( Zon 3 ) Councillor was present and spoke on a number of issues pertaining to GnG concept. He explained that some of the guidelines are being tabled in the Parliament so that the implementation will be standardized and legalized.
Rajiv also encouraged us to organise Gotong-Royong, Recycling and suggested that we make a request with MPSJ to provide us with Composting Bins so that all waste greens can be recycled and the compost sold for income.
Some of the issues highlighted to him by our residents include:
a. The facilities in the Padang to be repaired. Some of the children’s facilities are damaged and are dangerous as some children have injured themselves. Also the basketball court has been badly worn-out - Dr.Kok ( USJ3/1E )
b. Mentality of some residents who leave rubbish outside the house. She mentioned that some residents leave the rubbish in their neighbour’s area and at time the Rubbish collector do not pick them up - Rashidah ( USJ 3/1G )
c. Excessive stray cats resulting in them becoming a nuisance and excreting in the house compound. Some enter the open window or door and feed on the food etc.
d. Foreign grass cutters – are they legal or registered with MPSJ. Many of them go around daily - KK Low
Mr Rajiv also highlighted on the pending extension of the LRT to Subang Jaya and thereon to Putra Heights.
The 3 Greens' pro-tem Committee thank Mr Rajiv for his attendance and contribution to our community.
Further suggestions put forth to the committee include:-
1. Frequent visitors (non-residents) to make laminated card with details of the name, car number and number of house being visited. The user to be charged so that we know they are valid visitor.
2. Pedestrian bridge over KESAS – to install gate and lock up the bridge. Proposed time to close was 1.00am to 6.00am. (To review the time).
3 Ms Pat of USJ 3/1D requested the closing of the gate near the padang to be locked at 10.30pm instead of 10.00pm due to her son coming back after tuition which finishes at 10.00pm. Also there were near accidents when she drove out of 3/1D into 3/1.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Reward for info on illegal dumping
At the fullboard meeting yesterday, MPSJ president Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan said RM500 would be given to the public who tip off the council on those who dispose of rubbish illegally.

“Take note of the date and time, take a photo of the culprits and their lorries and then forward us the details,” he said.
The council will work with the Road Transport Department (JPJ) to track down the culprits based on the information given.
It will give the reward after the culprits settled the fines.
Similarly, MPSJ will reward informants on heavy vehicles that knock down height gantries installed at various locations in the municipality.
Citing an incident that happened on Sunday night, Adnan said a heavy vehicle caused a gantry at USJ 16 to fall and later, a motorcyclist rammed into the gantry left lying on the road.
“It takes about RM6,000 to RM12,000 to make and install a gantry.
“If the culprit is caught, he will be slapped with a maximum fine of RM1,000 for vandalism. He also has to bear the repair costs,” Adnan said.
Meanwhile, it has been announced that the MPSJ Hypermedia Libraries located at Kompleks 3C and Serdang Raya are now open on Saturdays and Sundays from 9.30am to 5pm (except public holidays)
extracted from Star Metro ( Nov 26 )
Monday, November 23, 2009
Crime Statistics for October 2009 - Balai Polis USJ
A total of 54 reported cases (37 cases in September 2009)
Stolen Motor Vehicles (Cars/Vans/Lorries/Jeeps & Motorcycles)
32 cases of stolen Vehicles (27 cases in September 2009)
Robberies have dropped to 8 cases (18 cases in September 2009)In general the crime rate in USJ has remained stable, but has shifted to areas that do not have active Neighbourhood Watch Groups or GnG schemes.
Polis advisory - we must fight back
We need to make sure that criminals are not even safe in their own homesIf you notice your neighbours behaving suspiciously i.e.
a) sleeps all day and is not around in the night
Give the Polis a call and get them to investigate. There have been cases where information by alert neighbours have helped Polis in apprehending criminals in their homes.
Polis patrol with residents
The 3 Green Resident's Committee will be looking into incorporating our night patrol together with the Polis at the recommendation of Chief Inspector Tuan Loi Yew Lik. CI Loi can be contracted directly @ 012-4118843.
We hope residents will also do their part to join us on our regular night patrol. For those interested, please contact Andy ( 019 3337088 ) or Yeap ( 0165475656 ) for more details.
For more details of the crime situation in USJ, you may consider joining Community Policing(JKPCP). There is room for more members.
How to launch a complaint with MPSJ
Hotline: 03-56376545. 24 hours. Please insist on a complaint reference number once you have made your complaint.
MPSJ Online Public Complaints System: iResponz
E-mail: - If you don't receive a reply within 2 working days, please re-send the email or use the website.
Mailing address:
Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya
Persiaran Perpaduan, USJ 5
47610 Subang Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Note: this method is discouraged as it takes a longer response time. However, it is still an available option
General Response time: 14 working days.
For urgent matters please call the hotline & also contact our hardworking Zone 3 MPSJ councillor (USJ 2 to USJ 15) Rajiv Rishyakaran via SMS or call directly at 012-3111585
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Burglars at USJ 2 foiled!
The suspects, both Chinese in their 20s and spotting shoulder length hair were spotted by a routine patrol in USJ2 trying to pry open a gate.
Subang Jaya OCPD ACP Zainal Rashid said the suspects fled in their stolen Toyota Wish with the police hot on their tail.

"The vehicle crashed into another oncoming Proton Persona at the USJ6-USJ9 junction. Unfortunately both suspects managed to flee on foot into the neighbouring area,"
Zainal said police found loot in the boot of the heavily tinted car, which was reported stolen in Wangsa Maju recently.
"We found an LCD plasma TV, bottles of liquor and tools normally used for house break-ins."
"We suspect the two were spotted trying to break into their second house for the day," he said, adding that police were trying to ascertain the location of the first house break-in.
Zainal said police were investigating the case and will be checking for thumb prints in the vehicle in an attempt to identify both the suspects.
"If you see anyone fitting the description of the two suspects, call the police," he said.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Top 10 Neighbours from Hell
1. One who tears down or renovates a house without the necessary approvals from the local authority.
2. One who leaves the house abandoned and locked up for years, leading to mosquitoes and other pests breeding on the premises.
3. One who creates loud disturbances and noise at odd times like the wee hours of the morning when everyone else is sound asleep.
4. One who rents out the home to a huge bunch of tenants, and tenants who become a nuisance.
5. One who converts a house from its intended purpose of habitation into a commercial food business without approval and permission from neighbours.
6. One who screams and rages loudly at his/her family members, disturbing the peace and causing discomfort.
7. One who leaves his/her pets unsupervised and uncontrolled.
8. One who intrudes into the neighbour’s parking space and builds a garden that encroaches into a public road/kerb.
9. One who renovates his own portion of the house without discussing with the neighbour and leaving the neighbour’s joint section looking ugly and detached.
10. One who blatantly dumps rubbish into the neighbour’s space or drains without guilt or conscience.
This list was compiled based on complaints and letters written in to StarMetro.
Let's make sure we here at 3Greens do not fall into any of the categories above. Cheers!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
2009 in a Nutshell - Hannah Yeoh
on Gated & Guarded
A special consultation session was held recently in MPSJ together with MPSJ councillors for USJ zone - Rajiv Rishyakaran and Arumugam A/L Kalimuthu (rep), USJ Residents’ Association and representatives from all over USJ 1 to USJ 23. The discussion focused mainly on ways to improve the current guidelines pertaining to gated & guarded scheme and brainstorming on ways to address the challenges and limitations of such a scheme.
MPSJ has started a sub-committee led by councillor Roslan Shahir, tasked at tackling gated & guarded scheme. A special state-wide town hall meeting will also be held by the Selangor State Government to look into this issue and how it affects every local council and residential community.
The Home Ministry must allocate more manpower and resources in urban constituencies such as Subang Jaya. The presence of policemen must be felt on the streets. We need an admission that security is a pivotal concern and there should not be an assignment of such a responsibility to foreign guards. Some residents have suggested that MPSJ should take up the role of the police by promoting or adopting crime prevention measures. While I personally think this is a good-to-have approach, we must not forget that ultimately the responsibility lies with the police force under the purview of the Home Ministry.
I do not think we should reinvent or delegate such a duty to other agencies such as MPSJ. MPSJ should focus on improving basic infrastructure amenities and ensuring sustainable development in our township.
I have said it many times and I will reiterate the same here – gated & guarded should not be a long term solution in reducing crime. Once the Home Ministry allocates sufficient manpower here, residents should not have to pay extra (in addition to their income tax!) for security guards anymore.
Meeting the Residents
In the last meeting, it was decided that we should meet our fellow residents of USJ 3/1 and update them on the status, on-going activities and also to seek feedback from all on how we can further improve the security in our neighbourhood.
Date : November 22, 2009 ( Sunday )
Time : 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Venue : USJ 3/1 Padang
Agenda for the meeting:
1. Chairman's Address
2. Treasurer's Report
3. Pending and Future Projects
4. Q & A
5. Collection of next three (3) months security subscription
Thank you and see you all soon.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Message from our Chairman
A little more than a month has passed since we first started off with our GnG initiative and we'd been blessed with crime free days in our USJ3/1 and 3/2 neighbourhood.
The latest additions to our GnG initiative include:-
1.Installation of pipe barriers in front of fence gate at Jalan USJ 3/1 A as well as Bus Stop entrance
2.Security Clocking System that ensures that the Patrolling Guards on each shift make compulsory rounds throughout every street in our neighbourhood on an hourly basis.
3.Speed Humps to discourage Speedsters; 1st of which has already been installed at Gate A ( Jalan USJ 3/1 )
In terms of security operations, some teething problems that arose include:-
1.One of the night supervisors was caught sleeping on duty and has been removed after complaints were made to our security vendor, Star CMS
2.Night Guard at Gate C ( USJ 3/2 ) received death threats from an irate driver
3.Night Guard at Gate B was almost ran over by an impatient driver ( featuring 3/2 A - J ) Yellow Sticker.
4.Our patrolling guard claimed he was almost pushed of his bike by a motorcyclist
The Security Guards are being kept in check by our consistent scrutiny via our random checks as well as night patrol.
One of the more common observation we made while on our night patrol was that residents tend not to switch on their porch lights which leaves their house in complete darkness. Please note that just because we are Guarded and Gated, it shouldn't mean that we can be complacent about personal safety measures.
We would like to thank all residents who have come forth with their observations;
Your feedback will help us in better shape the security expectations of the Sec.Guards
Andy Lam
Pro-tem Committee Chairman
LRT to SJ/USJ Comments/Feedback Forms
Comments/Feedback Forms

Click on this link to download (save target as) and Print - English Version (PDF Format)
Click on this link to download (save target as)and Print - Bahasa Malaysia Version (PDF Format)
How to submit your Comments/Feedback
Please submit this Feedback Form by:25 November 2009 (Wednesday)By Hand
Drop into the designated box provided at the Lobby, MPSJ Complex - USJ5
By Fax:
03-5631 2757
By Mail:
c/o P O Box 3215,
47509 Subang Jaya,
Selangor D.E.
Feedback forms can also be obtained from MPSJ, ADUN Subang Jaya's Office, participating JKPs and Residents Associations
For more details, go to
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Accident at Jalan USJ3/1
The driver of a Toyota Land Cruiser had lost control of his car and came over the road divider of the main road of Persiaran Tujuan, spun round a couple of times and crash through our fencing into a parked Volvo belonging to one of our residents at 12:05 am this morning.
Fortunately, the occupants of the car, a young man and his father were not injured. We informed the Tuan Loi of Balai USJ8 who immediate dispatched a patrol car to the scene.
By 1:50 am, the tow trucks came and both cars were towed away; leaving a big gap in our fence.
We have already inform our fencing contractor to repair the damage as soon as possible.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Happy Deepavalli
The 3 Greens pro-tem committee would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Hindu neighbours a very Happy Deepavalli.
May your Divali be a celebration of beautiful colours and many sparkles...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Nice morning for a stroll
Warm up and Stretchhhhh - lead by Walk Leader, Bathu
and off we go!
Great weather for walking
All in all, our first ever health walk was an enjoyable 2.7 km leisure stroll around our now safe and secure neighbourhood. We hope for a greater number of participants next month ( every 2nd Sunday - 6:45 am ) . Now, off to MAMAK!
PS: The protem committee would like to thank all residents who brought forth the recyclables to the Wooden Hut at our Padang, and look forward to your continuous support. Cheerio!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Recycling time of the month
Its that Recycling time of the month again! We hope once again for your support to bring out
- Old newspapers / magazines / cardboards
- Aluminium cans / tins
- Glass and plastic bottles
- Used Car batteries
- Other recyclables
Our Pro-tem committee members / street representatives will be present to recieve your recyclables; Neighbours are also invited to come and meet up with us if you have any questions pertaining to our GnG initiatives.
3 Greens Pro-tem Committee
PS : don't forget to join us for our 3 Greens Health Walk ( click link for more details )
Robbers preying on careless folk
Selangor Criminal Investigation Department chief SAC (II) Datuk Hasnan Hassan said the state recorded 23 such cases from August to September with several victims being assaulted in the process by the robbers who were mostly foreigners.
“These criminals normally trail their targeted victim after they had withdrawn large sums of money from the banks. The amount withdrawn ranges from between RM5,000 and RM100,000.
“The robbers would follow their victim and strike either while on the road in a secluded area or when the victim is about to reach his destination,’’ he said, adding that the robbers would break the vehicle’s side window to rob the victim.
SAC Hasnan said most of the cases reported occurred during banking hours which is between 8am and 4pm.
He urged the public not to place the withdrawn money on the front seat of their cars but instead to place it under their seats so as not to attract or make it easy for robbers.
“Do not stop at any dark or secluded place after withdrawing large sums of money and if in need of any assistance, seek help from the bank’s security guards,’’ he added.
SAC Hasnan said during the same period, there were 10 cases of theft or robbery of luxury cars with the robbers striking mostly either at car parks or on the highway by faking accidents.
He said the robbers, who normally operated in two’s or threes, armed themselves with knives or parangs to scare their victims before speeding off with their cars.
“The public should exercise caution while driving on the road and should not stop if they suspect something amiss, even if involved in a minor accident. They can drive straight to the nearest police station or to a place where there is a crowd.
“The most important thing is not to give any opportunity to the robbers to commit crime,’’ he said
Derived from the Star ( Thurs Oct 8, 2009 )
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Rajiv Rishyakaran - MPSJ Councillor for Zon 3 ( USJ 2 -15 )
Name : Rajiv Rishyakaran
Age : 28
Qualification : Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Contact number : 012-3111585
E-mail :
Blog :
Rajiv has been serving as a special assistant in ADUN Hannah Yeoh's office since March 2008 and is familiar with the issues in USJ and is passionate about nation building and promoting principles of competency, accountability and transparency in policy making.
Monday, September 28, 2009
24 Hours Security Hotline
- IPD Subang JayaTelephone: 03 8948 4822 Fax: 03 8945 0859 OCPD Zanial Rashid bin Hj Abu Bakar
- Balai Polis SS17 - 03 5633 2222 C/I Tuan Sulaiman Bin Baputty - 019 3707100 Inspector Tuan Ariffin - 012 5037637
- Balai Polis USJ8 - 03 5635 6904 C/I Tuan Loi Yew Lik - 012 4118843 (effective 15/02/2009) S/I Amir - 012 2713294
- Balai Polis Taipan - 03 5633 7222 Sarjan Thanabalan - 012 2135377
- Balai Polis Putra Heights - 03 5192 2404 S/I Tuan Nordin Bin Mustaffa - 012 3150775 Sarjan Mejar Abdul Wahab Bin Abdullah - 019 3626760
- Balai Polis Bandar Sunway - 03 5638 2122 Inspector Tuan Harikrishnan Muralitharan - 012 5818927
Message from Pro-tem Head of Security Joe Low
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Get healthy with 3 Greens' Health Walk
3 Greens' Health Walk is simply a 2.5 km brisk walk for the purpose of improving cardiovascular health. We plan for this activity to be held on every 2nd Sunday of the month in conjunction with our Recycle Activity Day ( so don't forget to bring out your recycables too )
To join our monthly 3 Greens' Health Walk, simply turn up at the start ( USJ3/1 Padang ) fifteen minutes before the walk start time for a warm-up session. The walk will take off at 7:00 am sharp. Your Walk Leader for this session is Bathu.
Please note that if you haven’t exercised for a while or have a medical condition or unsure about your health, do seek advice from your Doctor prior to participating.
Also please be advise to wear suitable footwear and dress according to the weather when walking. It may be advisable to bring a drink such as water with you if you think you may need it.
Here are some benefits of Health / Brisk Walk:-
- help weight loss /ease back pain
- reduce the risks of heart disease
- increase bone strength /improve muscle tone and joint flexibility
- increase your confidence, stamina and energy/ combat anxiety and stress
- safety in numbers; meet up with your neighbours/ committee
In the wee hours of the morning
If you see a couple of guys walking along our streets at the wee hours of the morning, please do not be alarmed. It maybe just us, your friendly neighborhood comittee doing our patrolling and also making sure our Sec. Guards continue to perform their duties diligently.
Here are the most common of our observations over the last 7 days of patrol:
- Autogates are ajar / not completely closed ( most likely caused by gate speed )
- Small gate ( of the main gate ) is not padlocked
- Houses in complete darkness ( try leaving your porch light on )
Do take note that it is situations like this that gives birth to crimes of opportunity i.e. a crime that is committed without planning when the perpetrator has the chance to commit the act at that moment and seizes it.
So the next time, you do spot us on the streets, give us a shout or a wave; or better still join us. Not only will you have good company, you'd also get some cardio / burn some carbs before bedtime.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Our Children are a little safer

This bright young man stop by to give us a hand
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Message from our Chairman
The vehicle screening taking place at the 3 checkpoints ( Gate A, B and C ) is one of the prerequisite Security Measures implemented to ensure that our neighbourhood is protected against those who may roam our streets with criminal intent. ( Notably, several of our residents had fallen victims to various crimes and robbery involving cars/ trucks )
We hold no prejudice against the minority non-participating residents and only hope that they'd come to realize that they too benefit from the GnG Security initiative made possible by their majority paying neighbours and perhaps join up as well.
If you'd somehow felt offended or inconvenienced by our security measures, please understand that we're merely trying our best in our efforts to ensure the security and safety of our homes and families; and not by any misguided intentions or animosity towards you.
Having studied the traffic flow in and out of each of the entrances, we have come to realize that the ( Gate B ) entrance at Jalan USJ 3/1 H has the highest percentage of traffic; mainly because it serves both our guarded neighborhood as well as that of the residents of USJ 3/2 A - J. In light of this findings, the pro-tem committee has come out with a solution to elevate the traffic flow at Gate B without sacrificing our security initiative.
We will be introducing a different colored car sticker ( pic below ) for the residents of USJ 3/2 ( A - J ) which will allow our Security Guards at Gate B to identify them, hence eliminating the need to screen their vehicles when passing through whilst still being able to recognize them as non 3 Greens' residents. Our Guards at the junction of Jalan USJ 3/2 ( Gate C ) will continue to exercise general vehicle screening.
Residents of USJ 3/2 A - J are invited to get their Complimentary vehicle stickers from Daryl Khoo of 31, USJ 3/2 C ( HP no : 019 3187570 ).
Our 3 Greens pro-tem commitee would like to extend a gracious THANK YOU to all Residents of USJ 3/2 ( A – J ) for your patience and understanding. We look forward to the day, we be joined as one Big, Happy and Safe Family.
Andy Lam
Pro-tem Committee Chairman
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Inquiries from USJ 3/2 A - J
Please contact Mr Daryl Khoo of USJ 3/2C ( 019-3187570 ) who has been working very hard to get the similar majority consensus ( 85% ) from the residents of USJ 3/2 A - J to also participate in the GnG.
We at 3 Greens look forward to the day we can become a big, safe and happy FAMILY.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
USJ 3/1 and 3/2 - a Guarded Community!

Several of our Committee Members had to take leave from work today. Not because we were planning to go on vacation together, but there were lots to do for the commencement of our Guarded Service.

At 8:00 am this morning, we met up with our Security Contractor ( Star CMS ) and Guards, and did a comprehensive walkthrough of our USJ 3/1 surrounding. The Security Guards were thoroughly bombarded on our huge expectation with regards to Security and Safety of our neighbourhood.
The patrolling guards were also alerted to pay attention to two crucial points i.e. the barrier fence and the overhead bridge entrance, both located along Jalan USJ 3/2 ( featured below )

At about 10:00am, our equipments arrived and the Committee started to get in gear. Putting up the 1st Canopy was a challenge; it only took five of us, a good 20 minutes to figure out which two pole fit together ( joke ). The ones after that, was easy. ( Take note that the current set-up is only temporary pending the construction of the Guard Houses )
Add chairs, tables, signboards and traffic cones and Voila!
USJ 3/1 and 3/2 is now officially, a 24hrs Guarded Community.

As the day progressed, residents' cars ( featuring the 3 Greens stickers ) began to pass by the 3 Security checkpoints. Upon recieving smiles and waves from the car occupants, our day brighten knowing that we are definately off to a great start!
We do acknowledge that no system is without flaws and like to invite all our participating neighbours to contact your 3 Greens Residents' Committee with your feedback and suggestions as to how we may better improve the security services;
We also kindly ask for your patience and understanding while we work out any kinks in the system in the next couple of days.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Car Break-in at USJ3/1G
David Ding - 3/1G Street Rep
Subang Jaya LRT Project - Ready in 3 Years
The documents will be displayed for Public Inspection from 15 September 2009 till 14 December 2009 at City Hall headquarters, Shah Alam City Council, Petaling Jaya City Council and Subang Jaya Municipal Council; SPNB invites subsequent comments or objections to the proposed project on or before 14 December 2009.
The conditional railway scheme was approved on Aug 25 but the final decision, including the alignment of tracks, will only be made after getting input from the public display. The extension project comprises a 17km track for the Kelana Jaya line and 17.7km for the Ampang line.
SPNB are also putting in place multi-storey carparks at 12 of the stations to cater to the increasing number of commuters expected to double from the present 170,000 and 180,000 commuters daily for the Ampang and Kelana Jaya line, respectively. Each car park building will be able to accommodate between 1,200 and 1,500 cars at any one time. To cater to this increase, 35 sets of four-car trains and 13 sets of six car-trains will also be purchased.

If all goes as planned, commuters can look forward to the completion of the proposed extension of both the Kelana Jaya and Ampang Line light rail transit (LRT) lines in three years. The project was expected to cost around RM7 billion.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thank You from the pro-tem committee
Similar to our last collection in August, we were once again interrupted by heavy shower at about 3:00pm but still managed to raise RM170 from the sale of the newspapers for our GnG initiative.
We also enjoy the company of residents who came out to talk to us and look forward to next month's recycle day.
3 Greens pro-tem committee
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Lawyers and Auditors required
our protem committee is seeking the voluntary services of a lawyer and an auditor to assist in the legal matters and to audit our accounts for 3 Greens Residents' Association;
As our funds are extremely limited, the voluntary services in these two areas are greatly appreciated.
Volunteers may contact pro-tem Committee Chairman, Andy Lam ( 019 3337088 ) for more details.
Thank you
3 Greens Pro-tem Committee
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Star CMS Security

Click on image for a bigger version
Other neighbourhood GnG utilising Star CMS are USJ 11/3, USJ 5, USJ 17 and 18.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Recycling Time of the Month