The Gotong Royong last weekend was a success, nevertheless it would have been super if more committee members and street representatives had participated. Thanks to some of our residents who came with their family to participate in the G.R.

Also thanks to our Chairman, Mr Andy Lam, who managed to get some funds from the MPSJ and also MPSJ provided disposal services of the rubbish and branches which were trimmed off from some of the trees.

We also managed to erect back part of the damaged fences along USJ 3/1. If any of you drive along USJ 3/1 you will notice the place and the drains are much cleaner.
We could not cover more area due to lack of manpower.

Once again a big thank you to all members and residents who volunteered to participate in the G.R. To all committee members & street reps who did not turn up you missed an opportunity to participate in a wonderful community activity. Hope we do better the next time or in the next event.
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